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PricesPricing system architecture
Pricing system architecture
2 min read


The prices module architecture is organized based on three fundamental concepts:

  • Prices
  • Price Tables
  • Price tables application contexts

Prices represent your SKU sales value information. These prices are stored in price tables. In turn, these price tables can be applied to different contexts.

These may be:

  • a trade policy
  • a group of your store's authenticated customers
  • your store's traffic origin (UTMs)
  • benefit conditions

Below, we can see a blueprint of how the concepts of prices, price table and context are related to one another:

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":703,"height":316,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":23587,"url":""}}

Computed price

There are some criteria that the system takes into account when deciding what an SKU's selling price for a specific price table should be. This price is called computed price.

The pricing module takes these 4 criteria into account when calculating a price table's computed price:

  • Base Price
  • Price Rule
  • Rounding Rules
  • Fixed Price
  1. In cases where the SKU only has the base price set, the computed price for a specific price table will be equal to the base price.

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":703,"height":115,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":7149,"url":""}}

  2. When the SKU has a price rule configured for a specific price table, the computed price will be equal to the base price, modified by the price rule

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":703,"height":115,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":9314,"url":""}}

  3. In another scenario, we will consider a SKU with a base price, a price rule and rounding rules. The computer price for a specific price table will be the result of these three factors. First, the base price will be changed by the price rule. Afterwards, the psychological pricing's rounding takes place.

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":703,"height":115,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":14350,"url":""}}

  4. Lastly, if the SKU has a fixed price, a specific price table's computed price will be equal to the fixed price. This price weighs more than any of the others, which results in the pricing module ignoring the other prices when a fixed price is associated to an SKU.

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":703,"height":115,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":6771,"url":""}}

Validating a computed price

To check an SKU's sales price for a specific price table, you can query the computed price value in the Price List section in admin. In the example below, we can see that the computed price for SKU 14 in trade policy table 1 is equal to 334,62:

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2364,"height":416,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":111380,"url":""}}

You can also check an SKU's computed price in a price table by making an API request. To achieve this, you'll need to send a GET to the Get Computed Price by price table or trade policy call.

This request returns an SKU's sellingPrice from price table 1. This is the information that Pricing shows as the SKU's selling price.

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