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VTEX Modules: Getting Started
PricesPricing - Overview
Pricing - Overview
1 min read

The prices module, also called Pricing, is a system responsible for the creation, editing and storing of your SKU pricing data. For a product to be sold, your customer needs to know the cost of each item displayed in your store.

Pricing has several functionalities that allow your business to use different pricing strategies. The prices module is comprised of the admin sections shown below. Over the next steps of this track, we will take a closer look at how to use each of the functionalities highlighted in these sections:

Price list - You should add prices to your products in this section. It is also the area where you can query and insert SKU prices for each existing Price Table in your store.

Price rules - This section allows you to create your store's price table rules. Price rules are similar to functions that edit base prices registered in the Price list area.

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