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PricesPrice Table - Concept Definition
Price Table - Concept Definition
2 min read


A price table is a set of SKU prices that can be applied to a specific context. These tables store the price information that is displayed on a store's page.

We can look at the price table as an entity that stores and delivers computed prices of its SKUs.

Relationship between price tables and trade policies

There is a difference between price tables that are created for trade policies and price tables that are created for other contexts.

Price tables that are not linked to trade policies can be used in contexts such as promotions and customer clusters. Price tables that are created for trade policies can only be linked to that trade policy itself. What this means is that a price table that is linked to trade policy only informs SKU prices for that specific policy and cannot be linked or associated with another contexts.

It's important to highlight that the concepts of price table and trade policy are not the same. The trade policy is a context to which a price table is linked.


Let's imagine a scenario in which you want to create a pricing strategy to sell SKUs in three different contexts. To achieve this, you'll need to create three price tables - one for each context.

The idea is to have a specific price for:

  • applying a promotion;
  • a customer cluster;
  • a trade policy.

You must create two generic price tables, one for the customer cluster and another to apply a promotion. In addition, you must insert the desired price into the price table linked to the trade policy in question.

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