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VTEX Sales App - Using the app​​Best practices for testing VTEX Sales App
​​Best practices for testing VTEX Sales App
2 min read

After configuring the basic settings and installing VTEX Sales App on a device, it is important to run tests before you start using the app in your physical stores. In this article, you will learn about best practices for testing VTEX Sales App.

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Technical testing

Before introducing VTEX Sales App in one of your physical stores, your brand infrastructure team must perform technical testing, i.e., functional testing conducted outside of the store setting.

First, we recommend testing the entire process of creating orders in VTEX Sales App with each of the payment terms configured in the account. For more information about this process, read the following articles from the track VTEX Sales App - Using the app.

Next, it is important to perform order cancellation tests using the payment terms configured. For more information about canceling orders in VTEX Sales App, read the article Cancel and refund an order in VTEX Sales App.

In-store testing

Once technical tests are completed, it is important to perform tests in physical stores before including VTEX Sales App in your sales associates' routine.

To do this, select specific stores to test the VTEX Sales App app. We recommend including store managers and sales associates in the tests, as well as your brand infrastructure team.

Ideally, this group should simulate the scenarios of the technical tests in the chosen physical stores, which means they should place orders with all payment conditions configured, and then try to cancel those orders.

Once the technical and in-store tests have been successfully completed, you can prepare your physical stores and train your sales team to use VTEX Sales App on a daily basis.

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