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VTEX Modules: Getting Started
Store developmentApp Store
App Store
2 min read

A VTEX IO app expands the features already offered by the VTEX platform. They can be used to add new features to a store, build storefronts, and expand the VTEX Admin features. These apps are built and launched on the platform with VTEX IO. You can develop the following:

VTEX IO apps can be made available in the VTEX App Store and can be paid or free.

The VTEX App Store is a marketplace for VTEX plug-and-play solutions. Both apps developed by VTEX and certified partners are available for customers and partners to find customized solutions to build their stores.

You can use the apps available in the VTEX App Store to:

  • Connect to VTEX APIs and integrate with VTEX modules.
  • Integrate third-party solutions to a VTEX account or store.
  • Expand the native VTEX admin.
  • Add storefront components to a Store Framework store.

To understand how to add an app to the VTEX App Store, follow the instructions in the guide.

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