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VTEX Sales App - Getting started and setting upWhat is VTEX Sales App?
What is VTEX Sales App?
2 min read

VTEX Sales App is VTEX's main solution for Unified Commerce operations. It's an app that allows you to integrate your online and physical sales channels, putting your customers at the center of the business.

Using VTEX Sales App, sales associates from your physical stores can serve customers in a personalized way and complete the entire sales process from helping to choose the right products to payment and delivery.

And what’s more important: they will do that using one single database, which guarantees the Unified Commerce experience.

With that, you’ll be able to implement an Endless Aisle strategy, which helps you to:

  • Avoid stockout and never miss a sale.
  • Have real-time visibility of your inventory.
  • Benefit from an intelligent search and items lookup, when Intelligent Search is installed on the website. .
  • Build mixed cart transactions.

Finally, with VTEX Sales App, the purchasing process becomes faster, both while adding products to the cart and during payment and confirmation.

The checkout process no longer needs to be done from a physical and fixed location. Starting and finishing sales can be done anywhere in the store, which reduces queues and makes the customer experience smoother.

Your sales associates will have a 360º view of the consumer and will be able to create memorable and frictionless shopping experiences.

VTEX Sales App is one of the key products in your Unified Commerce or Omnichannel strategy. And the guides and tutorials you’ll find here will show you the way to set it all up in record time.

Learn more

See below all the recommended guides to get started with VTEX Sales App.

To see all VTEX Sales App related tracks, click on Start here at the top of the page and scroll down to the Omnichannel category.

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