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VTEX Sales App - Using the appUnified search
Unified search in VTEX Sales App
2 min read

VTEX Sales App's endless aisle feature allows sales associates to search for products beyond the inventory of the current store and add them to the cart. To search for a product, click the magnifying glass icon , and a search bar will be displayed at the top of the store's homepage. Enter the product name, reference code, SKU ID, or EAN.

This feature uses the browser's cache to optimize searches in scenarios with slow internet connections.

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VTEX Sales App features a unified search, which means that, when searching for a product in the app, search results will include not only the local inventory (of the current physical store) but also inventories of other physical stores and distribution centers associated with the ecommerce operation.

Search results are organized to improve customer experience, displaying images that facilitate product identification and providing relevant information for sales associates.

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When you click the Add to Cart option, the following product information will be displayed:

  • Product variations, SKUs.
  • Available shipping options.
  • Product quantity to be added to the cart.

To add a product to the cart, select the desired variation, shipping option, and quantity, then click Add to Cart.

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Filters allow the search to be refined based on customer preferences. You can refine your search by applying multiple filters and easily remove them if needed.

To use search filters in VTEX Sales App, you must first install and configure VTEX Intelligent Search. Please keep in mind that:

  • It is essential to configure the filters that will be displayed, as indicated in the article Search configuration. Otherwise, all product information will be considered as filterable attributes in VTEX Sales App.
  • Any changes made to the search settings will also apply to the ecommerce operation if it uses VTEX Intelligent Search.

In addition to configuring VTEX Intelligent Search, to enable the filter feature in VTEX Sales App, contact VTEX support.

Once the filters are enabled, you can use this feature by following the process below when searching for products:

  1. If you are using VTEX Sales App on a mobile device, such as a smartphone, click Filters. If you are using a device with a larger screen, skip this step.
  2. Select the desired filters.
  3. Click Filter.

The results displayed will be filtered based on your preferences.

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