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VTEX Sales App - Using the appCustomer identification
Customer identification
1 min read

After logging in, the sales associate is taken directly to the customer identification screen.

The VTEX Sales App app helps sales associates sell more in the physical store. And having information about the customer since the initial interaction is a valuable resource to accomplish that goal, especially considering that the context shown by VTEX Sales App concerns not only the customer's interactions with that specific store, but with all the brand's sales channels.

The customer can be identified by one of these methods:

  • Email
  • CPF (in Brazil)
  • QR Code

You can configure which identification methods you want to enable, and in what order they should appear.

In the example image below, Email and CPF are enabled.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":430,"height":646,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":20208,"url":""}}

Just enter one of these data in the field and click on the Confirm button.

Alternatively, if you have enabled the Anonymous User feature, it is possible to proceed without identifying the customer. To do this, just click on Proceed without identification.

Although it is possible to cater customers without identifying them, we always recommend doing so, as this gives the sales associate a series of contextual information that increases the chances of conversion.

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