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Conversational Commerce
Conversational Commerce VTEXStructure configuration for Live Support
Structure configuration for Live Support
2 min read

After the integration with WhatsApp, you need to configure the Live Support structure. This process depends on partner platforms, which will provide a chat interface and conversation queue to attendants, and other features such as tracking metrics.

There are two pre-integrated partner options with VTEX Conversational Commerce:

Get in touch with the VTEX development team if you want to integrate with other platforms.

Zenvia Integration

Zenvia is an integrated service platform for VTEX Conversational Commerce. It allows you to automatically redirect customers who want support to the service team.

Zenvia has two access profiles for support:

  • Agent: a profile directed to store personnel who will provide customer support, such as salespeople, sales representatives, support teams, or call center.
  • Administrator: a profile directed to management and follow-up of the support process. This profile has access to the Zenvia Administration Module, where you can access the dashboard, extract reports, manage attendants, and more.

Zenvia provides VTEX with the Advanced plan with the following features:

**Plan **Included
  • Unlimited agents
  • Two years of history
  • Unlimited departments
  • Advanced features
  • Access to all channels

If the store already has or chooses to start operations with Zenvia, contact the VTEX team to determine the following steps:

  • Number of licenses required.
  • Training schedule for agents.

Zendesk Integration

Zendesk is a market platform used by several clients and an alternative to the VTEX Conversational Commerce. If your store already uses Zendesk and you choose to continue with that platform for Conversational Commerce support, you must follow the steps outlined in the article Create Zendesk integration.

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