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VTEX Modules: Getting Started
OrdersCanceling an order
Canceling an order
2 min read

You can cancel an order with VTEX in three different ways:

  • Through the Orders module in VTEX Admin.
  • Through API.
  • Following the customer's request.

Once an order is canceled, you cannot change its status. Orders that have invoiced status can not be canceled.

Orders with partial invoices cannot be canceled. If the customer wants to replace or remove items from the order, it is possible to change the order.

Cancellation through Orders module

  1. In the VTEX Admin, go to Orders > All Orders, or type All Orders in the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. Click the desired order.
  3. On the top bar, click Cancel order.
  4. Click Confirm.
  • When the order is in Ready for handling or Preparing Delivery status, cancellation must be done twice. When you first click Cancel, the status changes to Cancellation requested.
  • When the order is already in the Cancellation requested status, simply click Cancel again to change the order to Canceled.
  • To continue with this order, simply enter the invoice.

Cancellation through API Rest

You can cancel through your ERP using the Cancel order API.

Check out our ERP integration guide for the full walkthrough.

Cancellation requested by the customer

The customer can request the cancellation of the order through the My orders screen.

If the customer requests cancellation within the grace period of the order, which is configurable, the store does not need to approve cancellation. It is considered that the picking, packing and delivery flow has not yet started, so the cancellation would not bring any burden to the store.

After the grace period, it is understood that the store is already acting on the order. In such case, the store must confirm the cancellation request.

Check out our article customer requested full cancellation.

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