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StorefrontCMS - Overview
CMS - Overview
2 min read

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CMS (Content Management System) is a feature dedicated to manage content in a constant and practical manner.

At VTEX, CMS is responsible for managing the pages that make up your store website, giving you the autonomy to create, organize, edit and configure the entire structure of the folders, files and components that make up your store front.

The CMS offers tools that vary according to the technology you use at your site: Store Framework - Site Editor, Legacy Portal - Layout, or FastStore - VTEX Headless CMS.

In this article you will find an overview of the CMS items and its functionalities.


Banners is the feature responsible for displaying banners, such as promotional actions, on the customer's search result page.

You can do that by associating the selected words and filters during search and configuring the banners in your store.

To learn how to use this module, access Banners.


This module allows you to manage the pages in your website. To access it, go to your store Admin and click Pages.

In the Pages section, you can also create URL redirects to route your site's visitors and search mechanisms from one URL to another. Redirects are useful if you want to move the content to a new URL and delete an old product page.

To learn more about Pages, please access: Pages.


This feature allows you to configure the fonts and color palette on your store website. To learn how to use this module, access Styles.


This feature can direct your customer to any page, either internal or external to your website. This redirect is done in the search area, using selected terms or filters.

This way, Redirects considers communication scenarios not included in the store catalog search.

When creating a redirect, you must also create the conditions - called rules. Rules must contain both a set of terms and filters. The rules number per redirect is unlimited.

To learn more about redirects, access Redirects.


The Releases page allows the retailer to manage connected groups of changes, in order to coordinate the planning, creating, scheduling and publishing of the store changes.

In the beta phase, the changes which can be grouped together must be related to the VTEX Headless CMS. Other modules of the VTEX platform are not yet included.

To learn more about this module, access Releases.

Learn More

Check our articles about other functionalities related to the CMS.

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