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Facebook Integration Facebook
2 min read

There is an integration with the Facebook Business Extension and Conversions API that should be your default selection when integrating with Facebook. This is valid even if the Facebook Integration has already been completed because the app integration ensures that previous features as well as others work, such as the Conversions API and Facebook Pixels.

Facebook is the social network with the largest number of users in the world. Created in 2004, it is the platform where more than three billion people connect and share information every day.

There are different strategies to promote your store on Facebook. Business Manager is a free tool created to make it easier for you to manage your actions on the social network. In just one place, you can manage organic posts, paid ads, content libraries, and more.

A strategic presence on Facebook ensures greater visibility for your store and increased opportunities for sales conversion. Through VTEX's native connector, you can integrate your store with Facebook, and easily and efficiently send your products to Facebook Business Manager.

Before proceeding with the integration setup, you must create a Facebook account and a Business Manager account.

For more information about the benefits and terms of use, read Facebook's article about Business Manager.
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