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PromotionsCreating discount coupons
Creating discount coupons
2 min read

The coupon is a code entered in the cart by the customer. It grants a discount on the price of the purchase.

Every coupon is created by the store itself in the Rates & benefits module.

There are two ways to create a coupon:

  • Through the Coupons section.
  • During the creation of a Regular Promotion.

In this article we will cover the first scenario.

Creating a coupon through the Coupons section

To create a discount coupon, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Rates & benefits module.
  2. Click on the Coupons option.
  3. Click on the New Coupon button.
  4. Create a coupon code (for example: CHRISTMAS2020).
  5. Create an utm_source (for source tracking) and/or an utm_campaign (for campaign tracking).
  6. Click on Restrictions and limitations of use and set the number of products that can be purchased using this coupon, regardless of how many purchases are made to reach that number.
  7. Click on Save.

It is not necessary to create an utm_source and an utm_campaign, but it is necessary to create at least one of them.

Read the article What are utm_source, utm_campaign, and utm_medium to better understand what these UTMs are.

When creating a regular promotion, you must select the utm_source and/or the utm_campaign boxes and insert the UTMs informed during the creation of the coupon in the corresponding fields.

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