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VTEX Modules: Getting Started
Accounts & PermissionsConfiguring login with Google
Configuring login with Google
1 min read

As explained in the previous article, customers are identified by VTEX's system through their emails, and if they want to change the data entered during their first purchase, they must confirm the email ownership in question.

Just as the customers can login via Facebook, they can also login via Google.

Adding a Client Id and a Client Secret to log in with Google

Before configuring your login information on VTEX, you must configure your Google identity platform by following the instructions detailed in this article on how to add a Client Id and a Client Secret to log in with Google.

Configuring your login information on VTEX

After configuring your Google identity platform, you need to configure your login information on VTEX.

  1. In the Account Settings module, click on the Authentication tab.
  2. Click on the Edit button corresponding to Google.
  3. Fill in the fields with the Client Id and Client Secret added to Google.
    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2026,"height":1176,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":75951,"url":""}}
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. To confirm whether your login was successfully configured, access the front-end of your store and click on Login.
  6. The configured login options will be shown. Click on the Google option and check whether your store name is displayed.
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