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CatalogCatalog Architecture
Catalog Architecture
1 min read

VTEX Catalog architecture is based on four fundamental concepts:

  1. Category
  2. Product
  3. SKU
  4. Specifications

At VTEX, Categories represent the way you organize your products, generically dividing items available in your store.

When organized into categories, products can be classified into three distinct levels: Department, Category, and Subcategory.

For a Product to be made available in your store, it needs to be part of a category and be linked to at least one SKU.

VTEX Catalog structure requires that a SKU can only be created after defining the product information, since the SKU itself is the product variation. Therefore, we can say that a SKU is the physical unit of a product in stock.

VTEX Catalog architecture also includes Specifications, which are a category’s registered properties that attribute specific characteristics to that product and SKUs linked to it.

Such specifications are, for example, a product's composition or an SKU's voltage, size or color.

An example of a VTEX Catalog architecture blueprint is found below:

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2345,"height":1405,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":196715,"url":""}}

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